Pretty Little Liars MBTI Personality Profile
Originally created by Heather Hogan for Each box has a Myers-Briggs type, its label, and the Pretty Little Liars character associated with it, along with a photo of the character.

ISTJ (The Examiner): Mona Vanderwaal
You make shit happen. No obstacle can stand in your way. And when the rules and regulations you usually trust in don’t work the way they’re supposed to, you make your own laws. You like order, loyalty, and matter-of-fact conversation.
ISFT (The Protector): Paige McCullers
You are a hard worker who deeply values relationships. You remember every nuance about people, and use your knowledge to do thoughtful things. You have a tendency to bottle up your emotions, which never turns out well.
INFJ (The Teacher): Ella Montgomery
You are so nurturing and intuitive that your friends sometimes think you’re psychic. You find meaning in exploring ideas and helping other people learn about the things that inspire you.
INTJ (The Mastermind): Alison DiLaurentis
You are a natural leader who loves to devise strategies to solve complex conundrums. You’re skeptical and sometimes cynical, and you demand perfection from yourself and the people around you.
ISTP (The Pragmatist): Cece Drake
You are super independent and adventurous, and willing to try most things at least once. You’re not a big fan of following rules, preferring instead to determine cause and effect and create your own path accordingly.
ISFP (The Artist): Maya St. Germain
You are a free spirit, which means you relish your freedom and space. You do not like conflicts, disagreements, or having other people force their opinions on you. You feel things deeply and sometimes take things too personally.
INFP (The Idealist): Emily Fields
You are a Hufflepuff unicorn who lives to make people’s lives the most awesome. You are a good listener who puts others at ease. Hard facts? Psh, who needs them? You rely on your feelings to show you the correct path.
INTP (The Planner): Jenna Marshall
There is no problem you can’t solve because you are wildly adaptable. You’re very good at reading people, and don’t mind correcting them when necessary. You have an uncanny ability to stay on task.
ESTP (The Realist): Ashley Marin
You are pragmatic in the extreme. You care very little for theories or abstract ideas, preferring instead to live in the moment. You make spontaneous decisions. Your personal style is very important to you, as are material things.
ESFP (The Performer): Tippi the Bird
You are an outgoing, friendly, lover of life who thrives in situations where you get to work with others to achieve a common goal. You’re fun, you’re flexible, and you love experiencing new things with new people.
ENFP (The Life of the Party): Aria Montgomery
You are a warm, enthusiastic, creative individual who wakes up every day excited about life’s possibilities. Routines and traditions bore you. Why wear regular jewelry when you can wear bird feathers in your ears?
ENTP (The Visionary): Shana CostumeShop
You are outspoken, resourceful, and you thrive when presented with new challenges. You break rules for giggles and will sometimes pick a fight just to watch two people debate.
ESTJ (The Supervisor): Veronica Hastings
You are a results-driven, super organized person. You think things through quickly and react quickly and do not mind standing up to people who challenge you. You like structure and order; you especially like “giving orders.
ESFJ (The Provider): Pam Fields
Your main goal in life is to please the people you love and create a happy family. You’re kind and cooperative and usually very unwilling to dive into conflict. Warm and loyal, you really want to be seen (and appreciated) for who you are.
ENFJ (The Giver): Hanna Marin
Nearly everyone you meet is drawn to your warmth and charisma. You are very in tune with the needs and feelings of those around you and are happy to help them achieve their goals by imparting your hard-won wisdom upon them.
ENTJ (The Field Marshal): Spencer Hastings
You love to be in charge more than just about anything else in life. You like to plan and set goals and you can be quite forceful when trying to get other people to follow your strategies. You’re smart, savvy, and convinced you’re always right.