Episodes 2.08 & 2.09: “It’s Too Late For That”

We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off.

Dylan is back (yay!)  and coincidentally so is mouse man (boo) for our discussions of episodes 2.08, “Save the Date”, and 2.09, “Picture This”. We talk about ableism, mustard, staring at your friends’ lips, and which Liars have the most medically invasive stuff happen to them. We fill Dylan in on the wild shit that happens in the final season of the show, and Cameron tries to convince Dylan that PLL has ginger representation. Did you hear that Emily has a hole in her stomach?

Our awesome theme song is composed by Ashok R. Chandran! You can find his other work at his website.

Transcript: Read it on Buzzsprout!

Chickpeas Oh My Gosh! One-Pot Chickpea Shakshuka

Fashion Analysis: Our best and worst outfits!

Sports Corner with Cameron

Things We Referenced Actually Related to PLL: 

Things We Referenced Completely Unrelated to PLL: 

Find us on Twitter: @chickpeas_pod

If you enjoyed this podcast (or even if you didn't), please consider donating to help Rozan and Aboud, two young people in Gaza, to survive and rebuild their lives with their families. You can donate to their GoFundMe.

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