Don’t Forget The Chickpeas
A podcast for people who love Pretty Little Liars and also hate pretty much everything about it, plus chickpea recipes!
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Episodes 2.22 & 2.23: “The Opposite of Safe”
Today we are joined by special guest peach to discuss episodes 2.22, “Father Knows Best”, and 2.23, “Eye of the Beholder”! We discuss copaganda and the military, anxiety-inducing TV, what true trust and safety look like, solidarity to shoplifters and looters, and how Ali would NEVER ride the bus. peach takes us for a walk,…
Episodes 2.20 & 2.21: “Hanna, There Was An Exclamation Point”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation & believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. We're back, sorry for another unexpected break in updating! Today we cover Episodes 2.20, “CTRL A” and 2.21, “Breaking the Code”. We talk about how hard Mona is working,…
Episodes 2.18 & 2.19: “You Can’t Be a Shark If You’re Toothless”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation & believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. Content notes: discussion of Lolita from 40:30 to 57:35, which includes discussions of rape of a child by adults, victim-blaming, and a brief mention of sadomasochism Today we cover…
Episodes 2.16 & 2.17: “Back Alleys and Backyards”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation & believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. In today’s pod, we cover episodes 2.16, “Let the Water Hold me Down”, and 2.17, “The Blond Leading the Blind”. We discuss yet more fucked up ableism towards Jenna,…
Episodes 2.14 & 2.15: “This Fractured Deceitful Mess”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation & believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. Content notes: mentions of rape & sexual assault, incest, and adult/minor abuse We recorded this weeks ago, but fuck America and fuck white supremacy. We start with a guest…
Episodes 2.12 & 2.13: “Trick or Treat, Aria”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off.We’re back again, bitches! Episodes 2.12 (“Over My Dead Body”) and 2.13 (“The First Secret”) are wildly different and we treat them as such. The first has it all: creepy…
Episodes 2.10 & 2.11: “The Doctor Is Out”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off.This week we discuss episodes 2.10, “Touched By an ‘A’-ngel” and 2.11, “I Must Confess”. Our best friend Heather Hogan has a hot new job! We chat about Mona’s meticulousness,…
Episodes 2.08 & 2.09: “It’s Too Late For That”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. Dylan is back (yay!) and coincidentally so is mouse man (boo) for our discussions of episodes 2.08, “Save the Date”, and 2.09, “Picture This”. We talk about ableism, mustard,…
Episodes 2.06 & 2.07: “Don’t I Look Hot?”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. We cover episodes 2.06, “Never Letting Go”, and 2.07, “Surface Tension”. This episode not only introduces Jessica DiLaurentis, but also gives us our first hint of Wine Moms! We…
Episodes 2.04 & 2.05: “Nosey Bitches Die!”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off.In this episode we cover 2.04, “Blind Dates”, and 2.05, “The Devil You Know”. We start with the most dramatic shit and then work our way through the rest. We…
Episodes 2.02 & 2.03: “Your Family Has the Worst Apples”
We stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. This week, we cover 2.02, “The Goodbye Look”, and 2.03, “My Name is Trouble”! We discuss apologies, ableism, Ali flashbacks, whether there’s anyone buried in the DiLaurentis yard yet,…
Season 2 Premiere: “Miss Me?”
Once again, because it unfortunately still needs to be said: we stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. We’re back, bitches! Today we cover episode 2.01 “It’s Alive”. We discuss women’s sports films in India, therapist Anne,…
Season 1 Finale: “Pretty Girls Make Graves”
Content notes: Apart from stuff in PLL itself, which we don’t usually warn for, we discuss age of consent laws and sexual abuse of minors from 14:55 to 20:50, including specifically the show Broadchurch beginning at 17:40 that includes discussion of murder of a child in the show by his abuser. And once again: we…
Episodes 1.20 & 1.21: “I Used to Love Algebra”
Once again: we stand in full support of Palestinian liberation and believe that Israel should end its genocidal violence and occupation. If you don’t agree, please fuck off. Today we’re covering episodes 1.20, “Someone to Watch Over Me” and 1.21, “Monsters in the end.” We discuss dolls, ableist violence, dentist gossip, and being “allies” in…
Episodes 1.18 & 1.19: “Who’s Evil and Who’s Just Naughty?”
Content notes: we don’t warn for things that happen in PLL, but from 6:15 to 14:04 we talk about the plot of The Bad Seed, which has murder (including of children), suicide, serial killers, and a cruel reference to capital punishment by electric chair. Also, once again: we stand in full support of Palestinian liberation…
Episodes 1.16 & 1.17: “I Like Complicated”
Content notes: we don’t usually warn for things that happen in PLL itself, but from 27:30 to 31:35, our special guest talks about homophobic and transphobic bullying and assault that he faced in high school, especially playing water polo. Also: this podcast was recorded months ago, but we stand strongly in support with Palestinian liberation…
Episodes 1.14 & 1.15: “The Rich Girls Steal and the Pretty Girls Lie”
Today we discuss episodes 1.14 “Careful What U Wish 4”, and 1.15 “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Lie, Lie Again”. We get extremely excited about the arrival of a new character (zero guesses who), compare PLL to like five other teen dramas from around the world, reference Tiktok memes that are years-old now because…
Episodes 1.12 & 1.13: “It’s Only a Felony If They Find Out”
This is a very special episode because we recorded it in person!! (We sort of apologize that the laughs are louder than usual.) We cover episodes 1.12, “Salt Meets Wound”, and 1.13, “Know Your Frenemies”, where we discuss lasagna box money, Pam being horrible, where Toby’s sweater came from, how many times Ian dies, and…
Episodes 1.10 & 1.11: “I’m Sixteen, and I’m Tired”
In today’s pod, we cover PLL episodes 1.10 “Keep Your Friends Close” and 1.11 “Moments Later”! We discuss how much we love Camp Mona, Ashley’s unauthorized loan, Ali as a candy striper, why the patriarchy is okay with women playing field hockey, and the worst poem we’ve read in our entire lives. Episode Transcript: Read…
Episodes 1.08 & 1.09: “You Should Never Disappoint a Ghost”
In today's episode we cover PLL episodes 1.08, “Please Do Talk About Me When I’m Gone”, and 1.09, “The Perfect Storm.” We discuss the SATs, gender in high school and the show's horrible intersexism, Alison's gay literary references, people needing to eat food, completely unrelated musicals, and jewelry in coffins. We attempt to play High/Low…
Episodes 1.06 & 1.07: “Lions and Tigers and Bitches, Oh My!”
In this episode, we covered all things Homecoming: 1.07, “There’s No Place Like Homecoming”, and 1.08, “The Homecoming Hangover”. We discuss Ella missing lacrosse games, Melissa potentially poisoning former Homecoming Queens, and Deepa’s extensive literary analysis of two books referenced in the show. We also go on some truly unnecessary tangents, and then play a…
Episodes 1.04 & 1.05: “Different Is Good”
In this episode, we covered 1.04, “Can You Hear Me Now”, and 1.05, “Reality Bites Me”. We get our first Alex (yay!) and a new dad (boo). We discuss Toby’s masculinity, Mona’s love for Hanna, shoes on furniture, and strategies to cope with watching Ezra’s scenes. We also spend way too much time talking about…
Episodes 1.02 & 1.03: “Sometimes the Truth Is Worse”
In this episode, we covered episodes 1.02, “The Jenna Thing”, and 1.03, “To Kill A Mocking Girl”, featuring a whole lot of ableism, a bunch of new characters showing up (and one immediately leaving), the first of many parties at Noel Kahn’s cabin, us being forever angry about abusers and the carceral nature of this…
Pilot: “Maybe a Little Too Much, Em”
Welcome to Don’t Forget the Chickpeas, a Pretty Little Liars rewatch podcast about the things we love & hate about the show, everything queer we can possibly discuss, the best & worst outfits, the best & worst parents, our love for Heather Hogan, and chickpea recipes! In this episode, we discuss the pilot episode of…