Episodes 1.12 & 1.13: “It’s Only a Felony If They Find Out”

This is a very special episode because we recorded it in person!! (We sort of apologize that the laughs are louder than usual.) We cover episodes 1.12, “Salt Meets Wound”, and 1.13, “Know Your Frenemies”, where we discuss lasagna box money, Pam being horrible, where Toby’s sweater came from, how many times Ian dies, and the only time Cameron has ever been wrong. This episode is kind of heavy as we spend a lot of time talking about homophobia, anti-Blackness, and fatphobia.

Episode Transcript: Read it on Buzzsprout!

Chickpea Recipe: Braised Chickpeas and Vegetables with Couscous, Harissa Yogurt, and Soft Eggs (Deepa would add more salt though)

Fashion Analysis: Our best and worst outfits, and some others we mentioned!

Things We Referenced Somewhat Related to PLL

  • Diego Boneta (who plays Alex on PLL) and Rock of Ages, for likely the last time 🙁
  • Rear Window, which was only related in the sense that the HBO Max description for episode 12 was: “Hanna's return home from the hospital and being stuck in a wheelchair makes her return feel more like a Hitchcock nightmare than a proper homecoming”
  • Yani Gellman (who plays Garrett on PLL) and the other role he is famous for (if you don't know about this you absolutely need to click that link)
  • Alice Bolin’s essay on the dead girl trope: “The Oldest Story: Toward a Theory of a Dead Girl Show”

Find us on Twitter: @chickpeas_pod

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