Pilot: “Maybe a Little Too Much, Em”

Welcome to Don’t Forget the Chickpeas, a Pretty Little Liars rewatch podcast about the things we love & hate about the show, everything queer we can possibly discuss, the best & worst outfits, the best & worst parents, our love for Heather Hogan, and chickpea recipes!  In this episode, we discuss the pilot episode of Pretty Little Liars.

This podcast is hosted by Cameron (she/her) and Deepa (no pronouns), and we have been friends for…jfc, over ten years? And PLL has been a core part of our friendship basically since the beginning. Now that we are back to being long-distance friends, we’re rewatching PLL together and sharing our commentary!

Some things to note from the start:

  • This is a rewatch podcast – it’s our fourth time watching the show, and we have watched all of the spin-offs at least once as well, so we will be spoiling things from across the PLL television universe.
  • We love PLL dearly, but there are a lot of things we dislike about the show and are super critical of, including but not limited to the ableism and sanism, the anti-Blackness and other racism, the transmisogyny & transphobia, the fatphobia, Ezra and every other abuser on the show, and much more. If you are into any of those things – well, yikes, but also this is not the podcast for you!


Find us on Twitter: @chickpeas_pod

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